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UZH News

Archive Veterinary Medicine 2021

Article list Veterinary Medicine

  • Zoonosis

    Bats and Tiger Mosquitoes

    The potential for new zoonotic diseases worldwide is huge – and continues to grow. In Switzerland too, there are dangerous germs that can spread from animals to humans. Researchers at UZH are tracking them down.
  • One Health

    When Resistant Germs Travel

    Resistance to antibiotics is increasing and can be found all over – in humans, animals, plants and the environment. To stop the spread of antibiotic resistance, we need to understand how it is transmitted and how we can prevent this from happening.
  • UZH Magazin

    Healthy People, Healthy Animals

    Bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics and pathogens that spread from animals to humans are posing major problems for medicine. To combat them, researchers from various fields need to work hand in hand. This approach has become known as One Health, and the latest issue of the UZH Magazin offers an in-depth look at the topic.