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print-ad kretz gmbh
Austrasse 2
8646 Wagen
Phone: +41 (0)44 924 20 70

UZH Magazin media data (PDF, 391 KB)

Prices special edition 1 and 3 in March and September 2025 together with UZH Alumni (circulation: 77'000 copies)

Ads page layout b/w or four-color print:
1/1 page 196 x 260 mm CHF 9'680.–
1/2 page vertical 196 x 126 mm CHF 5'500.–
1/2 page horizontal 94 x 260 mm CHF 5'500–
1/4 page vertical 94 x 126 mm CHF 2'640.–
Cover pages and special:
2. Cover page 230 x 300 mm ra CHF 10'900.–
3. Cover page 230 x 300 mm ra CHF 10'500.–
4. Cover page 230 x 300 mm ra CHF 10'900.–

Specific placement surcharge: 10%
Repeat ads discount: 2 x 5%, 4 x 10%
Advisory fee 5%
All prices excl. 8.1% VAT

The general terms and conditions of print-ad kretz gmbh shall apply.

Prices editions 2/4 2025 (circulation: 20'000 copies)

Ads page layout b/w or four-color print:
1/1 page 196 x 260 mm CHF 4'400.–
1/2 page vertical 196 x 126 mm CHF 2'300.–
1/2 page horizontal 94 x 260 mm CHF 2'300.–
1/4 page vertical 94 x 126 mm CHF 1'200.–
Cover pages and special:
2. Cover page 210 x 276 mm ra CHF 4'970.–
3. Cover page 210 x 276 mm ra CHF 4'780.–
4. Cover page 210 x 226 mm ra CHF 4'970.–

Specific placement surcharge: 10%
Repeat ads discount: 2 x 5%, 4 x 10%
Advisory fee 5%
All prices excl. 8.1% VAT

The general terms and conditions of print-ad kretz gmbh shall apply.