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The summer quiz has attracted a lot of interest.
Here is the solution:
1 S: Screams of joy
2 U: Around 1.7 million years ago in Africa
4 M: Sociability
5 E: Aducanumab
6 R: Appetite for risk-taking has a genetic and neurobiological basis.
7 Q: 3.2 tons
8 U: Young females learn from their mother, while young males take their cues from immigrant males.
9 I: Digital religions, equality of opportunity, human reproduction, rare diseases, principles of learning
10 Z: Neurofeedback
The correct solution word is: SUMMERQUIZ
Congratulations to the winners
The questions:
R Screams of rage and fear
S Screams of joy
T Screams of pleasure
U Around 1.7 million years ago in Africa
P Around 1.5 million years ago in the Middle East
Q Around 4 million years ago in Asia
L NOmigraine, Cancerfree
N Braindeep, Sleepwell
P Absence of people as a disturbance factor
Q Habitat
M Sociability
C Axura
D Aricept
E Aducanumab
P They have a genetic predisposition to risk-taking.
Q Risk-taking is simply a behavioral trait, we still don’t know what causes it.
R Appetite for risk-taking has a genetic and neurobiological basis.
O 1 ton
P 7 tons
Q 3.2 tons
T All the young animals look to their mother as a role model.
U Young females learn from their mother, while young males take their cues from immigrant males.
V All the young animals follow the behavior of the alpha animals of their group.
H Future of UZH, climate 2050, gender gap, birth control, digital learning
I Digital religions, equality of opportunity, human reproduction, rare diseases, principles of learning
J Origins of religion, human desire, causes of learning disabilities, remote sensing, healthy aging
X An app-based reading training program
Y Hypnosis
Z Neurofeedback