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UZH Physicist Awarded Funding of 2.5 Million Euros

Thomas Gehrmann, full professor of theoretical physics at the University of Zurich, has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant: He will receive 2.5 million euros from the European Research Council to develop new methods for precision calculations in particle physics with his team and apply them to specific particle reactions.


Gebäude UZH mit ERC-Logo
An der Universität Zürich erhält ein Projekt aus der theoretischen Physik den begehrten ERC Advanced Grant. (Image: UZH)

The European Research Council awards its Advanced Grants to support well-established and outstanding scientists who have a track record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years. Funding amounts to a maximum of 2.5 million euros over five years. Over 2,678 projects from all over Europe were submitted this year, 209 of which were awarded grants. At the University of Zurich, a project in the field of theoretical physics received one of the coveted grants.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Gehrmann

Precision predictions in elementary particle physics

In the coming years, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will multiply its data set by a factor of 20, enabling precision measurements for a large number of elementary particle reactions. To interpret these precision data and use them to determine fundamental constants of nature, the theoretical description of these measured quantities must be just as accurate. Supported by the ERC Advanced Grant “TOPUP – Theory of Particle Collider Processes at Ultimate Precision”, UZH professor Thomas Gehrmann, together with a team of four postdocs and two PhD students, will develop new analytical, algebraic and numerical methods for precision calculations in particle physics and apply them to specific particle reactions.

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