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UZH News

Digital Day 2017

Living in a Digitalized Society

Bitcoins, artificial intelligence, privacy, health data, and games to adjust your moral compass – on the occasion of Digital Day at Zurich Main Station, UZH presented the possibilities of digitalization and discussed the implications of the digital revolution for society at large.
Theo von Däniken
Getting together on Digital Day: Abraham Bernstein, Director of the UZH Digital Society Initiative, talking with Federal Councillor Johann Schneider-Ammann. (Picture: Thomas Poppenwimmer)


For many people, the digital revolution our society is currently experiencing is as fascinating as it is unsettling. On Digital Day, over 40 companies and institutions presented the new possibilities that digitalization offers in many areas of everyday life and business.

Live on stage in the main hall of Zurich Main Station and in prerecorded videos, researchers from UZH’s Digital Society Initiative demonstrated the impact of digitalization on such topics as privacy, media consumption, the world of work, or even religion. In addition, interested people were able to learn about how games can be used to teach e.g. managers in the financial industry about behaving morally.

“As a university, we not only want to critically follow the societal change caused by digitalization, but also shape it,” said President Michael Hengartner in a video message recorded for Digital Day. “To achieve this, we need more than IT specialists and natural scientists. We also need economists, lawyers, psychologists, ethics specialists, and many more. If experts from all these different fields work hand in hand, we can embrace the chances as a society.”