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UZH News

Archive Videos 2021

Article list Videos

  • Digital expertise

    Political Masterclass

    Should Swiss legislators respond to the challenges of artificial intelligence? This year, the Digital Society Initiative offered background information and food for thought on this and other questions in a masterclass for parliamentarians.
  • Innovathon 2021

    Transforming Travel

    What will the transport of tomorrow look like? How will digitalization change the way we get around? In a new module run by the UZH Innovation Hub and the Digital Society Initiative, students from the University of Zurich examined the interdisciplinary challenges of digitalization and mobility. Over the course of a 48-hour “Innovathon”, they came up with creative ideas to solve real-world problems.
  • New Vice President Research

    Of Racing Bikes and Research

    Elisabeth Stark is UZH’s new Vice President Research. A linguist and expert in Romance languages, Stark wants to refine UZH’s research profile and promote cross-disciplinary collaboration.